Control the basics

Manage all contracts, contacts, originators, applicants, and assets in one easy-to-use solution.

Contract Management

In SOFT4Leasing, you can create quotes, do installment calculations, create applications, prepare an installment schedule, activate a lease contract, keep track of contract balances, terminate, and close the contract.

Contact Management

Contacts in the system are your:
• customers (borrowers, guarantors, etc.),
• suppliers (asset vendors, service providers, etc.),
• insurers,
• distributors,
• originators (parties introducing new deals) and others.

Originator Management

Allows for master records of equipment dealers and finance brokers, i.e., parties who introduce new lease applications. Provide professional and friendly service so more dealers and brokers would be willing to bring you the business and work with you.
Multi-branding, a grouping of dealers, dealer authorization, and several other related functionalities are possible within the system. A dealer interface for web access is available.

Applicant Management

Multiple applicants or parties can be involved in a single application (e.g., co-applicants, guarantors, directors, partners, next of kin, etc.). The system distinguishes between individual and business applicants, and lease processes differ accordingly. The module allows for collecting many different applicant attributes, such as industry sector, legal form (for businesses), occupation, marital status, residential status (for individuals), and others.

Asset Management

The system allows you to list each unit on the lease application, identify it with a unique ID and set the asset's attributes (e.g., new or used, starting mileage, color, etc.). In the Application stage, each asset has a defined supplier, purchase price, tax group, residual value, and more. In the Active Contract stage, an asset master record is used for depreciation (depending on the financial product), asset valuation, and security registration processes. You can have multiple assets on a single contract and multiple contracts on a Master agreement.

One solution for all your leasing needs

From the Quote to Contract Termination. Lease accounting, lease management and financial accounting – all in one place.

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