Alta Group Confference

Date: 2020.11.23

What would you do if you had 100 hours to spare?
A question we started asking all around the world since we believe you could save a lot of time every day when working with the right tools. One of the tools that could save hundreds of hours on repetitive tasks in the asset financing market is a well-made software that can and will decrease the time needed to complete those tasks.

SOFT4 team traveled to Dubai on the 16th and 17th of November to ask the same question to the asset financing specialists attending the ALTA Group conference 2022 in Dubai, UAE. There has been a SOFT4 booth set up to discuss with our colleagues and potential clients that attended, and our Chief Business Development officer Ugne Kontare gave a presentation on the “Asset Finance industry trends from the software provider’s perspective.”

We are happy to have spent this time to increase our knowledge in the market, shared some of our own, and get some interesting suggestions on what would people do if they had a 100 hours to spare.